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" AFTERGLOW " 550 s/n Paper 16" x 23" $165
A consumate storyteller, Combes shared this story, "Driving along a dusty track in Nakuru National Park at 7 o’clock one morning, out of the corner of my eye I caught a slight movement in the grass, a shape which broke the pattern of undergrowth some ten yards in. I pulled to a halt and we waited, trying not to be typical tourists, hoping the lions would accept and ignore our presence. After about 15 minutes, we were rewarded when the lioness rose and rubbed her face against the male’s side, then crouched back down in front of him, glancing invitingly over her shoulder and lashing her tail from side to side. He obliged, and with the accompaniment of ferocious growls, the act was over seconds later. The lioness rolled onto her back in an apparent display of satisfaction, the big male flopped down in the grass, his face resuming the look of extreme boredom."
Simon Combes - Afterglow - Lions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Art Country Canada
Rocky Mountain Art Gallery
729 Main Street
Canmore , Alberta
T1W 2B2
Custom Framing Gallery
512 Bow Valley Trail
Canmore , Alberta
T2W 1N9
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