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" AFTERMATH " 75 s/n Giclee Canvas
"Three years ago, visiting Nakuru National Park near my home in Kenya," recalls Simon Combes, "I found a lion and lioness were having a passionate affair, when, suddenly, there was a mighty roar from an impatient call of a suitor-in-waiting only yards away. The result was 'Afterglow.' Returning to the park earlier this year, I found the same pride with the big black-maned lion and his harem. The lioness from 'Afterglow' was patiently enduring the boisterous attentions of two cubs. Again, a compelling subject to paint and an even more compelling title: 'Aftermath.'"
Simon Combes - Aftermath - Lion and Cub -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Art Country Canada
Rocky Mountain Art Gallery
729 Main Street
Canmore , Alberta
T1W 2B2
Custom Framing Gallery
512 Bow Valley Trail
Canmore , Alberta
T2W 1N9
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