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Artist Directory--- -ALocation - ---Testimonials -----Bragg Creek Plein Air Art Festival --AAbout ACC
" WILDEBEEST MIGRATION " 450 s/n Paper 16.375" x 44" Email-price
One of our missions at The Greenwich Workshop is to share our awe of this world with you. In over 50 releases since 1980, Simon brought us the marvel and wonder that is "The African Experience;" we have circumnavigated the planet with him in search of "The Great Cats" and gone on safari across North America. There is something magic to having been raised in the mix of wildlife, wilderness and man that is Kenya. I believe it has added a genuineness to his canvases that few artists can touch.
Simon Combes - Wildebeest Migration -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Art Country Canada
Rocky Mountain Art Gallery
729 Main Street
Canmore , Alberta
T1W 2B2
Custom Framing Gallery
512 Bow Valley Trail
Canmore , Alberta
T2W 1N9
Toll Free 1-877-265-4555 ---- ---- Website
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