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Steve Hanks Listening To The River

Steve Hanks

350 Signed & Numbered Limited Edition Giclee Paper
18" x 28"



"I often paint women near the water," says artist Steve Hanks, "and each body of water has a different
meaning, a different feeling." A painting of a woman in the ocean, for example, offers perspective
and the sense that "your problems are no larger than a grain of sand." The subject of a lakeside
portrait may be seeking solace and a sense of security. A river painting, however, is different. "A
river is heading somewhere, it's got direction, "says Steve. "'Listening to the River' is about listening
to the world you're in and waiting for its guidance. The woman is thinking about where she's headed."
Steve Hanks' highly realistic watercolors reveal emotion through composition, color and lighting.
His lyrical sensibility and unparalleled technical skill with watercolors have made him one of
the most sought-after artists painting today.




Art Country Canada
Rocky Mountain Art Gallery
729 Main Street
Canmore , Alberta
T1W 2B2


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- Listening To The River - Steve Hanks -