Len Krenzler
245 Signed & Numbered Print 16" x 30" Email-Price
95 Signed & Numbered Giclee Canvas 18" x 36" Email-Price
25 Signed & Numbered Giclee Canvas 24" x 48" Email-Price
Signed by Flt. Lt. Stuart May
The Man: Stuart May is one of those exceptional pilots with exceptional stories to tell.
In this scene Stuart shoots down his second V1 of the evening (the first can be seen
exploding on the water behind) allowing some London residents to get a better
nights sleep. Stuart was part of the City of Edmonton Mosquito Squadron, RCAF
and together they shot down 79.5 V1 bombs (pilots were awarded a half point for
shooting one down after it crossed the channel). Stuart shot down 5.5 of those.
Later in a raid on a Czechoslovakian airfield, Stuart was hit by flak and forced
to crash land "Flame McGoon". This began an incredible trek of adventure and
suffering. Stuart and FO Jack Ritch of Edmonton fled the German search parties
and met up with some Russian partisans.
The ensuing flight took 6 months and led over mountains, through German patrols
and blinding blizzards, all with no winter clothing. Stuart's shoes finally wore out
and he had only rags tied around his feet. Near the end of this incredible journey
he contracted an infection in his arm and a terrible fever from pneumonia. In the
end, Russian doctors saved him and he was flown back to England. Stuart says
"I've had enough mountain climbing, cold weather, and goulash to last a lifetime!"
The Machine: The Mosquito was one of the most capable and intriguing aircraft
of WWII. Sometimes called the "wooden wonder" because the airframe was
constructed primarily of wood due to shortages of aluminum. It turned out to
be one of the fastest, most versatile and most effective aircraft of the war.
Powered by two Rolls-Royce Merlin engines it could out-run almost anything
else available and carried a vast array of weaponry.
Missions included pathfinder bombing for bomber command, reconnaissance,
low-level precision bombing, strafing, anti-shipping, night fighter, and day
fighter along with many others. The versatility and success of the Mosquito
is staggering. Mosquitoes carried out many daring raids including the famous
raid on the Amiens prison.
The Mosquito came in many configurations and armaments including fighter/
and bomber versions and some even had pressurized cockpits for high
altitude operation. One of the common configurations was fighter/bomber like
the one shown in this image. Armed with four .303 cal. machine-guns and four
20mm cannon which gave it quite a punch! It could also carry 2000 lb
of bombs internally.
"Flame McGoon" was painted with the image of a "Li'l Abner" cartoon figure as
were many of his squadron's aircraft. It was later destroyed in the attack on
the Czechoslovakian airfield.
In this scene it displays it's fantastic speed, being one of the very few
aircraft capable of catching the German V1 flying bomb.
Guardian of the Night - Len Krenzler