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Raymond Scow , a Kwakwak’wakw Artist, is originally from Gwa’yasdams (Gilford Island). The Frog ,
said to be the liaison between the Chiefs of the Sea and Land, also represents wealth and prosperity. The inlay
on the frog bowl and ladle are of abalone and operculum. Dimensions of the bowl are 8½” high, 22½”
long and 17½” wide.The ladle is 18” long.
The Hokhokw is the cannibal bird monster of the Hamatsa Society. The Hamatsa dance is a very important
part of the winter rituals of the Kwakiutl. This Hokhokw was designed and carved by Alfred J. Scow assisted
by his brother Raymond Scow. The Scow brothers (6 carvers in all) are known for quality in craftsmanship.
The Hokhokw is part of the family crest aquired through Alfred's mother from Fort Rupert. It measures
aprox.70" long x 60" high. The mask also has a moving lower jaw with a representation of
Bakbakwalanooksiwai on it, one of the chiefs of the sky-world. The eyes of the Hokhokw are inlaid
abalone shell. The mask is also dressed with cedar bark tufts, rope and skirt with black and white feathers.
Art Country Canada
Rocky Mountain Art Gallery
729 Main Street
Canmore , Alberta
T1W 2B2
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