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" CREE FINERY " 1000 Signed & Numbered Print
Cree Finery - Howard Terpning In Canada, from the Ottawa River to the Saskatchewan River, the Cree Indians stepped lightly upon the land. Living in harmony with nature. Respecting her riches. Trappers by trade, these native North Americans were always careful not to offend the spirits of the animals upon which they depended. "When I visited a reservation in Alberta, Canada, I met an elderly woman who still understood the old, sacred ways of the Plains people. She shyly agreed to model for me. In her weathered features we can see that she has known hardship and pain. Her beautifully expressive hands seem to take their strength for granted. With quiet dignity, she and the ways of the Cree Indians endure. I placed her against light background patterns suggestive of original Cree beadwork designs, examples of 'Cree Finery.'" |
Art Country Canada
Rocky Mountain Art Gallery
729 Main Street
Canmore , Alberta
T1W 2B2
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Banff National Park - Art Gallery
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